Rabu, 10 November 2010

Posting pertama Saya

Salam Kenal BLOG dan Pengunjung     

Ini adalah postingan aku yang pertama. Selama ini aku belum mengenal website blog yang ada di Internet. Kali itu yang aku tahu setiap halaman yang terbuka itu sama saja. Nah kali ini saya membuat artikel yang sangat menarik. Yakni palajaran bahasa inggris Direct and Indirect Speech. Direct and Indirect Speech ini sangat berguna dalam mengubah kata-kata seseorang yang kita kenal maupun yang kita tidak kenal menjadi sebuah kalimat dari kita tapi dalam Inggris. Misalnya dalam bahasa Indonesia begini:

 "Ayah mau pergi ke kantor untuk bekerja." kata ayah

nah kita bisa ubah menjadi

Ayah berkata bahwa dia mau pergi ke kantor untuk bekerja

Perubahan kalimat ini seperti pelajaran dalam Bahasa Indonesia, lohh. Ini seperti pelajaran "Mengubah Kalimat Aktif Menjadi Kalimat Aktif" tapi dalam bahasa inggris tentunya. Nah mari kita cekidot....

mari kita mulai

Let's Go Dude......

Direct Speech
Simple present
Present continuous
Present perfect
Present perfect continuous
Simple past
Past continuous

Indirect Speech
Simple past
Past continuous
Past perfect
Past perfect continuous
Past perfect
Past perfect continuous

Direct Speech 

this = ini
these = ini
come = datang
here = di sini, ke sini
hence = dari sini
hither = ke tempat ini
ago = yang lalu
now = sekarang
today = hari ini
tomorrow = besok
yesterday = kemarin
last night = tadi malam
next week = minggu depan
thus = begini
contoh :
He said, “I will come here”.
Indirect Speech

that = itu
those = itu
go = pergi
there = di sana, ke sana
thence = dari sana
thither = ke tempat itu
before = lebih dahulu
then = pada waktu itu
that day = hari itu
next day = hari berikutnya
the previous day = sehari sebelumnya
the previous night = semalam sebelumnya
the following week = minggu berikutnya
so = begitu
He said that he would go there

Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Simple Present Tense
Simple Past Tense

Linda said: “I buy my dictionary at the book shop”.
Linda said that she bought her dictionary at the book shop.
Present Continuous Tense
Past Continuous

She said: “I doing my English homework”.
She said that she was doing her English homework.
Present Perfect
Past Perfect Tense

John said: “I have finished doing my reports”.
John said that he had finished doing his reports.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense

He said: “We have been living here for three years”.
He said that they had been living there for three years.
Future Tense
Past Future Tense

Laila said: “We will leave for Singapore”.
Laila said that they would leave for Singapore.
Past Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous Tense

He said: “I was reading an English novels”.
He said that he had been reading English novels.
Selain perubahan tense jika Reporting Verb-nya dalam Simple Past Tense, keterangan waktu juga mengalami perubahan sebagai berikut ini.
That day

Father said: “I’ll be very busy today”.
Father said that he would be very busy that day.
The day before

He said: “I came to your house yesterday”.
He said that he had come to my house the day before.
The following day / the next day

He promised: “I will return your books tomorrow”.
He promised that he would return my books the next day.
Next week
The following week

They said: “We will go to your house next week”.
They said that they would come to my house the following week.
Next year
The following year

She said: “I am going to America next year”.
She said that she was going to America the following year.
Last week
The previous week

He said to me: “I bought this dictionary last week”.
He told me that he had bought that dictionary the previous week.
Last month
The previous month

John said: “My father came back from Japan last month”.
John said that his father had come back from Japan the previous month.
The day before yesterday
Two days before

She said: “I sent my application letter the day before yesterday”.
She said that she had sent her application letter two days before.

) Kalimat perintah (imperative sentences)

Bila reported speech merupakan kalimat perintah, reporting verb say atau tell harus diubah menjadi kata kerja tertentu yang menandakan :
command (perintah), misalnya ordered, commanded, dsb yang berarti menyuruh, memerintahkan.
precept (petunjuk, bimbingan, didikan), misalnya advised yang berarti menasehati.
request (permohonan), misalnya asked yang berarti meminta, memohon.
entreaty (permohonan yang sangat mendesak), misalnya begged yang berarti meminta, memohon (dengan sangat).
prohibition (larangan), misalnya forbade yang berarti melarang.
Dalam perubahannya dari kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak langsung, modus imperatif harus diganti dengan infinitif. Tegasnya, reported verb (kata kerja yang diberitakan atau kata kerja dalam reported speech) harus diubah menjadi infinitive with to.
a) Command :
Direct: He said to his servant, “Go away at once!”
Indirect:He ordered his servant to go away at once
b) Precept :
Direct: She said to her son, “Study hard!”
Indirect: He advised her son to study hard
c) Request :
Direct: He said to his friend, “Please lend me your pen!”
Indirect: He asked his friend to be kind enough to lend him his pencil
d) Entreaty :
Direct: He said to his master, “Pardon me, sir”
Indirect: He begged his master to pardon him.
e) Prohibition :
Direct: She said to her daughter, “Don’t go there”
Indirect: She forbade her daughter to go there
Kalau reporting verb say atau tell diubah menjadi reported verb ask, order, command dsb (tapi jika bukan forbid), predikatnya diubah ke dalam infinitive with to yang didahului oleh not atau no + infinitive with to.
Direct: She said to her daughter, “Don’t go there”
Indirect: She asked herdaughter not to go there.
a) Reporting verb say atau tell diubah menjadi ask atau inquire. Dengan mengulangi kata tanya dan mengubah tenses jika pertanyaannya dimulai dengan kata tanya diberitakan.
He said to me, “Where are you going?”
He said to me, “What are you doing?”
He asked me where I was going
He inquired of me what I was doing

D He said to me, “Are you going away today?”
He asked me whether I was going away that day.
D He asked me , “can you come along?”
I He asked me if I could come along.

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